Poolguard – Safety Fencing

Today the 30Th April 2009 We have uploaded a new selection of safety fencing for our customers to buy now in Bucks, Berks and beyond.

This quality fencing system provides your pool area with the protection it deserves.

It helps keep out leaves and loose debris and affords some added safety for your children and pets.

The patented walk through self closing, self latching gate offers easy access but can also be locked if required.

All of the poles are non-corrosive and rust proof.

poolguard gate

The gate has a ‘Magna Latch’ safety latch which are a revolutionary breakthrough in latching security for gates around swimming pools, homes and other child safety areas. These latches are powered by he latest ‘Permanent Magnets'(never lose power) these quality latches incur no mechanical interference to closure and so offer unprecedented reliability, safety and child resistance.

The Top Pull model is key-lockable for added safety.

This fencing system is available in 3ft multiples and is 4ft High.

Being safe this swimming pool season is our number one priority at Deep End Pools. So please take as many precautionary measures as you can to enjoy your swimming pool safely this summer.

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