Local Team Training to Swim English Channel
A team of Four swimmers from Marlow are currently in full swing of training to swim the English Channel.
Chris Newell, Heath Freeman, Peter Frost and Jeremy Lovell-Davis are currently swimming in the Marlow stretch of the River Thames three times a week to prepare themselves for the gruelling feat. The team of four have been in training since April and are really in high sprits about their challenge.
The English Channel at its narrowest point is 21 miles. The average swim time is between 10 – 20 hours depending on conditions of the day.
The four brave athletes are to be swimming the Channel in only swimming trunks and goggles as this is all the rules allow.
They are how ever allowed to use goose fat to keep them warm!
The river swimming is essential to their training as the river is warmer than the English Channel which is expected to be between 15*c-18*c on the day of the swim.
Chris Newell is well on his way to raising £1,500 sponsorship forCLIC Sargent a children’s cancer charity.
You can keep up to date with Chris and all the other guys on hisBlogwhich is updated regularly.
If you wish to donate to help the guys on their wayI WANT TO DONATE
We will also keep you up to date with all the latest swimming information.
The post Local Team Training to Swim English Channel appeared first on Deep End Pools.