Liner Pool Due a new lease of life!
Swimming Pool Liners
The liner pool is one of the most common pools found in the UK.
With the average swimming pool liner lasting between 10 and 20 years there comes time when it you are due a replacement liner.
Here at Deep End Pools we have access to all of the major branded pool Liners to give you exactly what you want.
We go way past just simply ripping out your old liner and throwing a new liner in, whilst changing the liner your whole pool will be inspected and checked by our team of highly qualified engineers.
The process of changing your pool liner is performed in a number of steps to ensure when your pool is refurbished you get many more years out of your pool.
The way in which we change a pool liner normally follows these steps:
1) Empty pool to the best location available to us
2) Remove liner from the pool
3) Take all pool fittings away with us to match up with new ones
4) Totally clean pool shell using our proven techniques
5) Repair any problems with the pool walls or floor
6) Repair any broken liner track
7) Fix/Repair Steps/Roman Ends
8) Prepare the shell to accept new swimming pool liner
9) Fit new liner
10) As pool fills cut in pool fittings
11) Once pool is full give pool first dose of chemicals and get system up and running
Deep End Pools & Hot Tubs Ivybridge, Unit 1a Stowford Business Park, Ivybridge, PL21 0BE
Call 01752 698 364
Deep End Pools & Hot Tubs Beaconsfield, 39 Mayflower Way, Holtspur, HP9 1UG
Call 01494 671 787
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