It CANNOT wait till next year!
How often do you think we have heard in our showrooms “We were going to get it done but, i think we will leave it till next year now!” This can be with leaks, electrics, cracks, repairs and small plant room issues. Quite a number of people will leave things until the last breath which usally means twice as much work or, a burnt out pump in the process of waiting. We at Deep End Pools are strong believers in the old saying
” A Thread in time saves Nine” and there is no better way of proving this to you than by showing you one simple picture.
This is somebody’s plantroom. Or should I say this WAS somebody’s plantroom.
Deep End Pools were called out to inspect the plantroom after the effects of this dangerous fire.
Here at Deep End Pools we have seen our fair share of plantroom failures yet each one is a horrible thing to have to see.
Especially when you know it could have been prevented do easily. The cause of the fire is not 100% known but the most likely suspect is the electrical heater.
The heater has not been serviced in many years. The electrics were well past their sell by date and this is the effects of not having a simple plantroom inspection by a qualified electrician.
We highly advise that once a year in bucks, berks, oxon and London that you get a qualified electrical inspection.
All heating sources should be serviced at least once a year to check for safety and maximum efficiency. The cost of which is far greater than losing your plantroom.
We know of a number of swimming pools in Bucks and Berks with their plantrooms joined to their houses or even in their garages.
This fire could have quite easily burned down the house. To arrange to have your electrics checked please call 01494 671787 now.
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