Deep End Pools is being watched……. by Pinpointers!
Earlier this year Deep end pools amongst many things aspired to attack our service division in a more proactive way creating a system that would make better use of our vehicles, save costs fuel, have a better understanding of our locations.
It was when we continued to ponder on improving our ability to service more timely we remembered a very good customer of ours John Pope, and his involvement with his company Pin pointers.
We set off a discussion with John and what system would suit deep end pools best, we described the need to be safe whilst driving on hands free, the need for satellite navigation and ideally the ability to link the installation with real-time data being able to be sent to engineers on the road….. And then the ability to track the vehicles using an on line portal!
It seemed on our behalf a tall order however John simply explained all the criteria could be set and installed in a matter of weeks! And that he had recently partnered with Garmin sat nav.
the end result has been absolutely fantastic, we have reduced the direct calls made to engineers on site as we are able to communicate once they are back in their are vehicles, Pin Pointers system enables us to follow the vehicles when in journey to jobs, we can now redirect engineers to jobs nearer them and give customers updates for ETA’s without phoning the engineer.
This has actually saved money on the monthly mobile telephone bills, our incoming land lines are used less often, and all in all we are happy this has simply been the best investment in 2008 thank you John and all at pin pointers .com
A big cheer for Pin Pointers .com and thank you John.
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